Jessica Sutta of the Pussycat Dolls went away this year. But still has grievances about the leader, Nicole Scherzinger.
"It all started when I got injured in May 2009. They decided to send me home and when I arrived in Los Angeles, dropped me off and I had to turn around. He had a place to stay because he was on tour. Luckily, a friend let me stay with her. I stood there thinking, gosh, I'm an international pop star, I just leave this life and I'm here fancy sleeping on the couch of another person, "was what Jessica relief for the magazine 'Life & Style'.
And as the title, criticized the Nicole, and with good reason! "Nicole is a star and wanted to be treated as such. The Pussycat Dolls were the world's Nicole and all she said was done. If you like a blouse and she too, she stayed with him. We who support her in every way. Nicole was the world and we were just living in it "
"Honestly, I felt that it was time to no longer live in the shadow of Nicole. It was not a joyful experience. Did not feel like you're growing up with this situation. Although it was a difficult decision, it was necessary to make it. "
Then Jessica came out of the Pussycat Dolls. Now there are only 4! But she overcame all that, even working on a solo CD.